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Technology World
Why contractors outnumber direct employees at Google

It is no hidden secret that Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc. employs many contract workers each year. What's different this year is that the company had more contract workers than direct employees.

The company issues red name badges to the contract workers while the full-time emp
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Technology World
Today Chrome Marks HTTP As Not Secure

A milestone ... but not the one you might think. Today someone took control of the web in a way that would have been unthinkable a few years ago.

Of course HTTPS is a good idea - no one can dispute that there are real use cases where anything else would be negligent at best. To keep com
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Technology World
Google Cloud introduces shielded virtual machines for additional security

While we might like to think all of our applications are equal in our eyes, in reality some are more important than others and require an additional level of security. To meet those requirements, Google introduced shielded virtual machines at Google Next today.

As Google describes it, “
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Technology World
Google wants to bring blockchain technology to its cloud services

Google announced a partnership with the Australian-based startup Digital Asset, which makes tools to build blockchain-based apps. The partnership adds to one Google already has with BlockApps, another startup that helps people make decentralized apps, which announced the collaboration last Wednes
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Technology World
Artificial intelligence will create as many jobs as it destroys, according to a PwC analysis

The likes of Elon Musk and Bill Gates have made repeated doomsday warnings about artificial intelligence becoming more skilled at humans at just about everything.

So it's little surprise that people are scared about a post-AI future where a mostly jobless population subsists on univers
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Technology World
Walmart may hire expats for key Flipkart roles

Walmart plans to bring expats as chief financial officer, legal counsel and compliance officer at Flipkart once it completes the $16-billion acquisition of India’s largest e-commerce company to ensure it follows anti-corruption laws.

The world’s largest retailer is looking at shifting s
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Technology World
Yahoo shuts down its messenger service after 20 years

The constant changes in the field of communications have led Yahoo to pull the plug on one of the earliest instant messaging services. Yahoo! Messenger will be officially shut down from July 17, 2018.

The online service of Yahoo! Messenger.introduced instant messaging in this century.
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Technology World
Is Microsoft really building an Android Phone?

Rumor has it that Microsoft is actively working on a new line of phones based on Android Software. The company plans to roll out these devices early next year.

Yet to formally announce any such plans, Microsoft has tried its hands in the smartphone OS business. A number of plans of sel
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Technology World
Aadhaar data is unhackable, claims Union Minister

Government’s highly ambitious Aadhaar-program has been in the news recently for several alleged data breaches. Multiple news reports have hinted that Aadhaar database has serious vulnerabilities that can compromise sensitive user information.

The most disturbing news from April that que
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Technology World
How Indian Railway plans to use AI to ensure safe travel

Indian Railways, one of the largest employers in the world often gets criticized for its track maintenance record. Things could change soon thanks to emerging technologies and here we are talking about the power of AI to bring in a positive change in the performance of Indian Railways.

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