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AI will create new job roles, enhance employee engagement

A new study by Tata Communications suggests that artificial intelligence (AI) will create a diverse set of new jobs. Contrary to popular belief about AI, the technology is supposed to enhance employee engagement and decision-making.

The Tata Communications study is based on inputs from 120 global business leaders. The emerging technology will diversify human thinking than replacing it. Nearly 90% of leaders agree that cognitive diversity is important for management while, 75% of respondents expect the technology to create new-age job roles, 93% leaders feel that AI will enhance decision-making capabilities.

Considering the adoption and advanced stage of AI, there is no doubt that AI will massively change the face of employment and job industry. As the tech becomes powerful and accessible, it will become possible to automate more actives that were earlier done by humans. Millennials and younger generations will take the biggest hit.

In some areas, the risk is more Ethan others. Job roles in finance, accounting, retail, and transport will take the massive hit from AI. The automation may put people out of jobs but it will basically take over the repetitive and traditional tasks. In areas like healthcare, education, robots will support human efforts than replacing them.

There is a number of ways AI and automation will increase job creation. Robots can’t look after themselves. They will need human intervention to keep them running smoothly. There will be a consistent demand for people at every stage of AI journey. Right from development, testing, support, programming, and maintenance, there are levels that will not be able to function without attention from human resources.

A recent study suggests that implementing AI will create opportunities in 80% of cases. If we dig down deeper, there is a large demand for micro-tasks. One-third of jobs will be filled by actual AI machines. There’s a growing market for workers that can work on AI technologies.

Tata Communications’ study suggests that adoption of AI will transform work from being task-based to strategic. The technology promises to enable workers to enhance their curiosity and creative thinking. The survey was done in collaboration with Goldberg, which included 15 detailed interviews with entrepreneurs, executives, and industry leaders.