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Cloud-based skills for IT roles

Technology World

Esides having required cloud-based skills, job seekers need to validate their current skills in order to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

With organisations slowly moving operations on cloud, there has been a sudden change in their way of working, over the past couple of years. Companies prefer candidates with a general know-how of cloud-based technologies; and also expect its early adoption among the existing workforce.

According to industry reports, between the years 2010 and 2012, jobs requiring cloud-based skills have increased by almost 400 per cent. Going ahead, the industry would be seeking a lot more professionals with cloud computing skills.“There can be two ways by which employees can work upon these skills – one, they build on their existing set of skills by gaining appropriate knowledge while working or getting cloud certifications from recognised institutions; secondly, those who are starting out, need to be ready with these skills, in order to get employed,” adds Corjan Bast, product manager- Emerging Technologies, ITpreneurs.Roles