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How a new HTML element will make the Web faster

Technology World

The Web is going to get faster in the very near future. And sadly, this is rare enough to be news.

The speed bump won't be because our devices are getting faster, but they are. It won't be because some giant company created something great, though they probably have. The Web will be getting faster very soon because a small group of developers saw a problem and decided to solve it for all of us.

That problem is images. As of August 2014, the size of the average page in the top 1,000 sites on the Web is 1.7MB. Images account for almost 1MB of that 1.7MB.

If you've got a nice fast fiber connection, that image payload isn't such a big deal. But if you're on a mobile network, that huge image payload is not just slowing you down, it's using up your limited bandwidth. Depending on your mobile data plan, it may well be costing you money.